Culture Media Concepts® For Today’s Laboratory
Mission Statement
We are committed to manufacturing the finest products that will enable our business partners to increase efficiency and profit share in their respective Market Segments. We will continue to strive for product applications that will increase value in our relationships with our business partners. We will maintain high ethical standards in our business relationships with our Suppliers, Clients, and Networking Partners throughout the Supply Chain.
We source raw materials that are of premium quality for our culture media. These ingredients come with traceable documentation to assure that we are producing the finest products possible. Traditional and classical formulations for dehydrated culture media are available, and can be manufactured upon order. We can also provide custom or proprietary blends.
Prepared culture media products are formatted to customer specifications using manufactured formulations, or your specified source of media.
Production of dehydrated or liquid prepared culture media are compliant to ISO 9001:2015 traceability.
Quality Management
CultureMediaConcepts® has Quality Systems in place to ensure that your product performs as intended the first time, and with every lot manufactured thereafter. All personnel are qualified and trained to fulfill responsible duties.
Dosed and pre-weighed formats for Dehydrated Culture Media (DCM) are accurately measured to customer specifications with a minimum tolerance of 0.2g of the specified weight.
Single lot batches of prepared liquid media products are precisely dispensed into containers with process checks for weigh tolerance limits.
Aseptic dosing of sterilized liquid broth is performed in a certified (ISO 5) horizontal laminar flow hood.
Terminal sterilization of the final product is performed on site by Autoclave (steam sterilization), or by sending out to a third party gamma irradiation processing facility.
Performance testing of all culture media products is performed on site, using test identifying parameters that comply with governing agency recommendations. Proteinaceous raw materials are tested by third party contracting laboratories for any nucleic acid remnants of Salmonella spp. which may contribute to background interference in molecular testing methodologies. Your specific testing parameters can be added as well to match your application requirements.